When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee… (Isaiah 43:2).
In the last 10 years, on several occasions, I have received a clear word from the Lord that He would preserve my going out and my coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore… (Ps. 121:8) And that God has granted me all those who sail with me.’ (Acts 27:24). In other words, as I travel to the places in the World where He sends me, God is not only going to protect me, but He is also going to protect all those who go with me.
Last week, Joey and I drove to Mexico. Due to the geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and Mexico, the situation was intense. However, I knew that the Lord wanted us to go, even in the midst of the political and social storm our countries are currently experiencing.

As we approached the border, our driver—a backslidden Christian—warned us that Mexican immigration officials were upset with Americans, stopping them, and thoroughly searching their vehicles and suitcases. When we arrived, there were three cars entering Mexico and absolutely no one coming into the U.S. (Normally the Borders are packed and can take hours to cross!) The situation looked tense, so I said to our driver, “Let’s pray.” I asked the Lord that the agents would not harass us by searching our vehicle but instead would wave us through. That is exactly what they did—with a smile! Even now, I cannot help but think of Proverbs 16:7: When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.
During our conference with the pastors and leaders, to whom we serve as a missionary covering, God’s transforming presence showed up, just as Jesus promised us His accompanying presence when we obey Him by going into all the world:

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations… and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.“ (Matt. 28:19-20)
Our Mexican spiritual family—churches and leaders—received us with what can only be described as God’s love. It was as if they were saying, “Now we truly know that you love us! Thank you for coming to fellowship and minister to us in this hostile environment!”
After the conference, while back in the U.S., we learned that the area we were in was under a “bandera roja” (red flag) due to being overrun by criminal elements. Yet, we had one of the smoothest, most anointed, and joyful conferences ever! Thank you to all who pray for us—God hears you!

Joey ministered in worship, and I was given two opportunities to speak during the conference. The first message I shared was “Not Losing Your Joy.” The second was “The Call of God for Pastors.” I felt led to focus on this last topic because of the significant decline we are seeing worldwide in people responding to God’s call to pastor and shepherd His people. To my surprise, the altars filled with both young and old, answering the call to pastoral ministry.
After returning to the U.S., we spent time fellowshipping with some of our friends who live on the U.S. side of the border. Joey ministered in musical worship and was then used in a powerful way to encourage several individuals who had stopped serving the Lord. After a powerful time of prayer, we drove to Austin, where we are now spending time with our family.
Thank you to all who stand with us through your financial support, prayers, and friendship—you are truly co-laborers with us!
Our love to you!

Prayer Initiative
Our IHNM Team wants to pray with you! If you have a specific prayer request that you would like our team to pray for