What an incredible time in history!

We have so much to be grateful for and so many challenges to pursue. The Lord has been gracious to us in 2024. And we want to give thanks with you and for you.

It has been a busy year in a different way for our mission work, and I imagine for your lives as well. We can testify to how important it is to not lose heart in well doing because we do reap in due season. Also, our ways and timing are not always the same as His, so don’t faint, stand firm!

Three years ago, we set about identifying and pursuing goals we felt were critical to our work going forward. One of those was to identify a trifecta of mission bases in the USA, Europe and Latin America by the end of 2022. We hit a few snags and potholes along the way, but we could not allow the challenges to define the vision or the mission.

In the pursuit, the Lord allowed us to close on a 120-year-old church at the beginning of 2023. We knew it would take work, and it has not disappointed in that regard. We have been doing “projects” on that property ever since. In between our missions and ministry work, we have taken on the Church property challenge while living in the building’s classrooms. That is a story of its own. Progress has been made and work still needs to be done, but that is true of the call to the mission of Christ, there is still work to be done. While we are wearing many different hats,we are grateful and excited about the great team that God has put together uniting us all in this mission vision.

At the same time multiple nations in Latin America have become “mini bases” for our work and are preparing themselves to participate further in the OneLife vision. This year we participated in seven youth and young adult camps in six countries. It is clear that God is setting up His pipelines for future missions. We are so thankful for God’s provision and for His allowing all of us to be a part.

Two parts of the Trifecta are moving along, and it is now in this second half of 2024 that the third part has suddenly started to take shape in a new way. We have been working in Spain since 2012 and have had a “mini base” there all along. We expect to continue working with those churches, but we are mindful of the rest of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In light ofthe great need for the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world, we have been praying about the next basecamp. Pray with us. Some new possibilities have opened up that could facilitate more nations at one time.  This is exciting. We don’t want to jump ahead but we do want you to pray with us about this next season. Please place us on your 2025 prayer list. We’ve been prepping for this next leg of the race and strongly desire that we can facilitate more salvations and servants of the Lord in the Kingdom.

Thank you again for partnering with us, and thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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