In early September Kim, Jackie, and Joey returned from a 16 day OneLife outreach trip to Poland and Ukraine.
The objectives of this initial trip were to make contact with the people, gather information, and most of all to share Jesus through supporting and
encouraging. Here is Kim’s summery of the trip:
We worked at two different refugee centers doing
anything from cleaning bathrooms to construction
work. We also participated for two Sundays at a Polish
church that works in the two refugee centers.

We volunteered at the Polish border for two 12+ hour night shifts where we welcomed and fed refugees. (This was an unexpected opportunity that gave us incredible insight and contact with many refugees and other organizations.) Afterward, we were able to cross over into Ukraine on foot, which is a story of its own. Once across we walked to a church, which was closed, and held our own mini service on its steps.
Apart from all of the physical labor, we were amazed at how quickly God provided so many opportunities to establish connections with many different groups and most especially develop working relationships with the leadership of Polish government, private and Christian led organizations.
This was a very fruitful trip with too many things to mention in this newsletter.
We will be posting a more detailed update on our website soon. Thank you for your support and prayers!