The country of El Salvador is currently changing, the spiritual environment is experiencing a shift. To put it simply the removal of gang borders has placed the churches under an evangelism reassessment. All the previous excuses of it being too dangerous to reach people have found themselves now to be just that. The bride’s heart is in view and God is looking for those who will not only say choose me, but truly mean it from their heart.

Outreach into the city and surrounding neighborhoods is unrestricted now. That is an opportunity to do what was dangerous previously, but now in comparison can be done freely. It’s a time where youth are forced into a cultural reform, seeking what will be their new social normal. Previously gang members were seen as the “cool kids” in poor neighborhoods, and young boys were in many cases forced into a life of crime. Now we compete to reach this young generation that already is becoming wrapped up in the ever-faster captivation of online culture. And the church needs to actively center themselves out there, reaching the households and families of their surrounding areas.
This example presented visibly in El Salvador. Is a great way for others to learn that if as part of the church you believe the enemy’s hand to be greater than God’s. Giving into the fears around you. Following the path of conventional wisdom not to step out and speak His love. You will only find yourself soon having to look at your heart. With the people you feared or maybe worse hated gone, but your heart still with those things holding you back. We make many “excuses” not to reach out, but those “excuses” are all you will have left if you follow them.

New Evangelism
El Salvador is a country where blood cried out for justice. Covered by a long history of violence. And they are now receiving the world’s form of justice. Yet another call greater than that is coming to fulfillment. One that will be answered, a call for justice coming from beneath the throne of God. A crying out of every martyr that died for Christ’s sake. Though they call out for justice as well, this justice is by the powerful hand of God and not one of man’s violence and greed. This cry is for the salvation of El Salvador, their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. All those they left in God’s hands when they chose to follow the call of Christ. And God is faithful to fulfill those martyrs’ prayers for their families and friends, and even for their enemies and killers. It’s a cry for God’s justice, one of love and mercy.
Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
I see a cloud on the horizon the size of a fist, and if we turn to God, it will become that torrential rain that propels “El Salvador” to the world.
14 and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
And as for the gang members, they are seemingly unreachable. The country has a policy of no tolerance for helping gang members. Even just giving them food or associating with them will get you imprisoned. Reaching them with the gospel in prison seems to be impossible, but we have a God of the impossible! We ask you to pray for them and all of El Salvador. For years blood has been shed, and tensions are still high. Yet I can say confidently that the cry of the blood of those who died to spread the gospel there cries louder. So please pray that the people in El Salvador align with justice , but not man’s justice. Pray for God’s Justice.