Henry and I traveled to Spain mid-November to visit and encourage the churches.

Our first services were in Malaga with pastor Antonio. Their church membership had grown and usually filled up for each service!  Both Henry and I ministered on different occasions and saw a great response by the people. 

One of my favorite testimonies is that of Jose, the owner of the churches building. During our time with them, I had been ministering a series on “Identity in Christ” and the last message was on the “Imputed Righteousness of Christ”. When I realized that Jose decided to come to that service, I began to ask God about changing the message to something a little more evangelistic.  But I felt a solid confirmation that I was to preach this topic.  Jose was the first to respond to give his life to the Lord! 

I was also greatly encouraged, after talking with 2 women with serious health conditions giving testimony that they were healed!

The first was a young lady named Patricia who in our last visit had come to us crying because it looked like she was going to lose her Baby. On this trip when I saw Patricia, she was pushing her stroller with her HEALTHY 8-MONTH-OLD BOY.

The second Alicia had seen a doctor and was told she needed surgery to save her foot. On this trip we saw that her foot is in PERFECT CONDITION AND SHE SAID, SHE DID NOT EVEN NEED SURGERY!

Next, we also spent a week ministering in Algeciras in pastor Ricardo’s church, Casa de Dios 2.0.  The ministry was extremely fruitful!   Casa de Dios 2.0 also has at least doubled in attendance and in our first service EVERY PERSON responded to the call. 

During our time there we also were able to minister to an Ukrainian family. We prayed for a newborn boy by the name of Kian and watched him go from doubtful of survival to stable and getting healthier! It was so impacting that his grandmother, Nancy, who had traveled all the way from Colombia accepted the Lord!  Please pray for Kian’s continued healing! 

So thankful to the Lord for this month, it has been a month of encouragement, healing, salvations and ministry in Spain!!  Thank you for your prayers!

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