Mexico National Convention August 13, 2024
We just returned from the National Convention in Nuevo Laredo of the FGEA of Mexico. What a wonderful time of ministry, fellowship, rejuvenation, and vision casting!
The day our team crossed the border into Mexico. We were given the opportunity to share the word in four of the sessions, and God used it greatly to encourage the pastors and leaders. One of the members of our team was a dear high school friend who I had not seen in over 30 years. He preached a powerful message contrasting the holiness of God with His unmatched love, and greatly impacted all of us! Another focus that was spoken about was on how to overcome burnout in ministry, which continued with the Times of Refreshment theme.

It was a beautiful sight to see pastors all over, seeking God on their knees or with their hands lifted up in worship, while being refreshed by the Holy Spirit! We are fully persuaded that encouraged pastors translates into encouraged churches, and encouraged churches transforms into encouraged cities and an encouraged world.
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Looking out over Spain September 17, 2024

Looking out over Spain from the air.
In every direction you see orange and brown shades. Persistent drought has killed off much of the vegetation, and the soils underneath are visible. This makes even more evident the fact that Spain is a country in desperate need of rain. Every year we visit, we are told of the seriousness of the situation. This year the need seems to have become even more dire, and we have seen new sign of worsening conditions. They have now even shut off public showers water access on one of their biggest tourist attractions the beaches. Yet, amidst the severity of the situation, often most of the people seem to be so accustomed to the constant lack and warnings of future perils that they have become numb to the situation and continue with their lives, without any deep responses aimed toward change.

During these first two weeks, the Lord has been speaking to me about these circumstances and other natural disasters, not just in Spain, but the conditions we see in the United States and in the world at large. What does the Bible tell us about these types of events and circumstances? If you look at the Old Testament, What do you see? When Israel would reject the Lord and begin to live however they wanted and serve other gods, God would hold back the rain from their lands, send wild beasts, plagues or disasters.
God’s allowing of consequences of pain and harsh conditions is an expression of love. How could you allow someone you love to walk down a path leading to death without trying to stop them? That would be hate! When someone strays onto a path that would cost them their lives, what is the best thing you can do for them? Exactly! Show them that path leads to death and get them on the one leading to life. Sin and self-sufficiency are always bad for us. We were always meant to depend on God, to love and obey Him. But the sin nature in us rejects submission to God just like Adam and Eve rejected dependence on God in the garden. They chose control. It is not until God allows us to see some of the fruits of our choices that we begin to realize where it is leading us.