Mexico Missions Camp May 13, 2024

A few weeks ago our OneLife team returned from Mexico. We were invited to help with a camp for future missionaries. As we should have very present, Jesus calls everyone to work on one thing: making disciples of ALL nations. That is the only mission. And that can be done domestically (in your homeland) and internationally (not your homeland). Missionaries to foreign lands face extra challenges like: culture shock, adaptation, new languages, new spiritual battlefields and strongholds, lack of family and friend support nearby to lean on, legal and administrative hurdles due to their non-native status, etc., in addition to the everyday struggles common to people working anywhere. Because of this, the work can be especially difficult: It’s one thing to witness in a language you know, it’s another to struggle for words to express the gospel in another language and culture. But no matter where you work, we are all called to work together as one body, one family, supporting one another, set apart by God for this work.
I hope this will encourage you also. God is backing up those steps of faith in the mission He has given you to reach those around you. He hasn’t changed His mind; He hasn’t given up. He is playing for keeps. And often. that means He plays the long game with ultimate victory, and not the game of quick advances that are pleasurable to our flesh. Hang in there. Victory is sure.
Galatians 6:7-10 (NASB95) 7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9 Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. 10 So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.
1 Peter 5:6-7 (NASB95) 6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, 7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
May the Lord find us believing, loving and surrendered, willing to do whatever He would ask.
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A Cry For Justice June 15, 2024
The country of El Salvador is currently changing, the spiritual environment is experiencing a shift. To put it simply the removal of gang borders has placed the churches under an evangelism reassessment. All the previous excuses of it being too dangerous to reach people have found themselves now to be just that. The bride’s heart is in view and God is looking for those who will not only say choose me, but truly mean it from their heart.

Outreach into the city and surrounding neighborhoods is unrestricted now. That is an opportunity to do what was dangerous previously, but now in comparison can be done freely. It’s a time where youth are forced into a cultural reform, seeking what will be their new social normal. Previously gang members were seen as the “cool kids” in poor neighborhoods, and young boys were in many cases forced into a life of crime. Now we compete to reach this young generation that already is becoming wrapped up in the ever-faster captivation of online culture. And the church needs to actively center themselves out there, reaching the households and families of their surrounding areas.
This example presented visibly in El Salvador. Is a great way for others to learn that if as part of the church you believe the enemy’s hand to be greater than God’s. Giving into the fears around you. Following the path of conventional wisdom not to step out and speak His love. You will only find yourself soon having to look at your heart. With the people you feared or maybe worse hated gone, but your heart still with those things holding you back. We make many “excuses” not to reach out, but those “excuses” are all you will have left if you follow them.

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Costa Rica Camp 2024 July 24, 2024

Hello! We are so excited to share with you some snippets of what God is doing in Costa Rica!
We were invited by a group of churches, AKA the Costa Rican FGEA, to join them on June 28-30 for their youth and adult camp – yes, you read that correctly. Both happened at the same time! Youth camps are difficult enough, but to have two camps simultaneously is truly a feat. The location they chose was a beautiful place up in the mountains with cabins, meeting areas and a huge soccer field; nothing compared to God’s creation all around us. There was a river running through the property that you could hear from far off drawing you to it. In addition, the weather was fantastic; It was cool and refreshing.
You are probably wondering how these camps happened simultaneously. As they say in real estate: Location, Location, Location (lol). The facilities enabled them to have both groups meeting at once for things like worship, small groups, activities, messages and more. More importantly, all the churches and leaders were pitching in wherever they could. Four churches had joined together to pray, plan, prepare and make these camps happen! It was encouraging to see Jesus’ body flowing together, with His same heart, to see that this world hear about Jesus and know His love for them. It was a time where people could just focus on Jesus.