The power of simply praying with the hurting
The power of simply praying with the hurting always amazes me! Before traveling I was facing some tough challenges and was really struggling. The day before my departure, while getting gas to go to the airport, I saw a Hispanic man frantically looking for someone to help him out with gas. For some reason, the cashier would not receive his cash and he was out of gas without any other way to pay. I was shocked at the jadedness and hardness of heart with which the people yelled at and rejected him as he went from person to person asking for help. While still concerned about my own struggles, I felt convicted and told him in Spanish that I would help him… To be honest I thought, “With what little money I have I might as spend it helping a needy person out AND GIVE GOD AN EXCUSE TO HELP ME OUT!” So, I filled up his tank. And to my surprise God used my obedience to open a huge door for ministry I did not even know was there. I was able to pray for him. And as we prayed, he began to sob as he received the love of the Lord in his life! When I left that gas station, I FELT LIKE I HAD A MILLION BUCKS! WHY? BECAUSE SERVING GOD AND SEEING HIM MINISTER TO PEOPLE THROUGH YOU ALWAYS FULLFILLS YOU LIKE NOTHING ELSE CAN! As Jesus said in Acts 20:35, ‘It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.’
During the last week of July several pastors and I traveled to Tijuana, Mexico for our 2023 Mexican FGEA National Convention. It was a wonderful time of ministry and encouragement with the altars filled in many services. The highlight for me was when I was asked to meet privately with all the pastors of the Association. They have asked our Onelife program to collaborate with them on their first ever missionary camp for youth and young adults who feel called to missions. God is waking up a missionary vision in Mexico that is transforming them from being a mission field to becoming missionaries. Please pray for our team in the US and our counterpart in Mexico as we coordinate this camp for next year. We are hoping for 200 to 300 participants!

After the convention I traveled to Los Angeles where I was given the opportunity to minister in Centro Cristiano de Restauración El Alfarero Church on two different occasions. While in LA I also ministered in a home group and in an outreach to the homeless, and I had the privilege of officiating the wedding of two amazing servants of God Melissa and Emmanuel.
This trip yielded great fruit of the Holy Spirit. Struggling pastors were encouraged in ministry, important relationships were healed, and people came to know Jesus Christ! There was powerful ministry to the broken on the streets and many responded to Christ in these various venues throughout our trip. Please pray for Tais and Jesús who accepted Christ for the first time in the home group.
It is so refreshing to see people who know very little about God, sense the presence and love of God to the point of giving their lives to Him!!
Thank you for all your prayers, friendship, and support!