Our Costa Rica trip was off the hook amazing!!!  We partnered with FGEA on this trip and were able to see the Costa Rican Association of churches grow in Clarity of vision and purpose, pastors and leaders encouraged, international ministerial unity and God’s people ministered to.   

On Thursday 22nd of June we traveled with pastors Henry and Wendy and a church member Jose to attend our 2nd annual Costa Rica National Convention. 

I have always struggled with some of the conservative Christian groups in Latin America because some of them tend to determine salvation by dress code, head coverings and other religious rules instead of by grace through faith in Christ. While waiting for our flight for Costa Rica, we began to talk about this very subject of legalism. And during our conversation two women with head coverings passed us. This made me feel uncomfortable because I felt that they might have been offended by our conversation. When I boarded my flight, guess who were the two seated by me? The very two women with head coverings! As I began to talk with these women, who turned out to be sisters, they shared how since they were young, they felt led of the Holy Spirit not to marry and to consecrate themselves to serving the Lord. Instead of being legalistic they were filled with the grace and the love of God! They were on their way to Costa Rica to minister to the family of their deceased sister. I felt like God gave me some encouraging words for them and prayed for them to bring God’s love and grace to their hurting families. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so tangible that they could not hold back their tears. It was a true divine encounter and a humble reminder from God, “Hey, you’re not the only show in town, I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal!” 1 Kings 19:18 

On Our Way There


When we got to Costa Rica, we met with pastor Edgar (president of the Association in Costa Rica) to discuss the details of the Convention.  

The theme of the Convention was “Advancing.”   

We had an international group show up! In addition to our team from El Salvador, we were blessed to have Pastor Lonnie and Raul from the US, Pastors Miguel, and Carmen from Mexico. 

On Friday we had a special meeting with all the pastors in which the association’s financial and ministerial reports were given.  Then we had lunch and a special time of fellowship to encourage one another. And to end out the day I was given the privilege of speaking to the pastors about intimacy with God.   

I love encouraging pastors in their call. Because an encouraged pastor results in an encouraged church. And an encouraged church results in an encouraged city. And an encouraged city can result in an encouraged nation, and an encouraged nation into a divine impact on our world.

Saturday: All the churches and leadership came together to receive powerful messages from Raul, Miguel, and Lonnie! Miguel preached on leadership from Moses’ life, Raul ministered on Holiness and I Interpreted for Pastor Lonnie as he ministered on Advancing. Lastly, we ended the day with a Pastoral / leadership dinner where we celebrated the birthday of Pastor’s Edgar’s son.  

Sunday: the visiting speakers ministered in five different churches. Two services were held at Generation of Champions Church. This congregation is reaching the irreligious of their country in a way that I have not seen before!   From rock stars and gang members to addicts and “down and outers,” God has used this church to transform the lost into fully devoted servants of Jesus!   

During our time in Costa Rica, I was impacted by the love of the Costa Rican people and the international unity of churches! We are so grateful for what God is doing in and through them, and to be able to be a part of it. 

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