Hello! We are so excited to share with you some snippets of what God is doing in Costa Rica!
We were invited by a group of churches, AKA the Costa Rican FGEA, to join them on June 28-30 for their youth and adult camp – yes, you read that correctly. Both happened at the same time! Youth camps are difficult enough, but to have two camps simultaneously is truly a feat. The location they chose was a beautiful place up in the mountains with cabins, meeting areas and a huge soccer field; nothing compared to God’s creation all around us. There was a river running through the property that you could hear from far off drawing you to it. In addition, the weather was fantastic; It was cool and refreshing.
You are probably wondering how these camps happened simultaneously. As they say in real estate: Location, Location, Location (lol). The facilities enabled them to have both groups meeting at once for things like worship, small groups, activities, messages and more. More importantly, all the churches and leaders were pitching in wherever they could. Four churches had joined together to pray, plan, prepare and make these camps happen! It was encouraging to see Jesus’ body flowing together, with His same heart, to see that this world hear about Jesus and know His love for them. It was a time where people could just focus on Jesus.

They had a total of 50 adults and 50 youth. And the theme of both camps was: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! That is something we sometimes lose sight of as Christians. If we are in alignment with Jesus and His plan for our lives, then nothing is impossible for us! Jesus talked about us seeing and doing greater works through Him!
Another encouraging factor during this event was that a team from El Salvador was able to join us. We turned out to be a lot of people from different countries getting together to talk about Jesus and spur each other on!
We were asked to help with different things during the camps. It was awesome to be able to team up with the worship members from the different countries to lend a hand in worship. Also, different team members were able to share words that God had put on their hearts. There was a beautiful unity of the Holy Spirit between all of us.
The first evening, Friday, we arrived at the campgrounds and received a message from a Costa Rican pastor about the two most important stories we will ever know and tell: Jesus’ story and the story of what Jesus has done in our own life! We had a time of worship afterwards where you could feel the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit.
On Saturday we received two messages: 1) We are not an accident, Jesus has created us for great purposes, and 2) We have the Holy spirit in us Who helps us fight the enemy and follow Jesus wholeheartedly! And in the middle of these messages there were games, eating and getting to know new people.

Sometimes as Christians we feel like Elijah and we say to God: “Lord, I’m the only Christian left on the earth! Help me!” We are overly dramatic as human beings, Lol. And the reality is that there are many people out there who love and obey Jesus, and sure enough we got to meet some on this trip.

On Sunday as the adults continued to meet, the youth were participating in games and activities. The adults had a powerful time of word and prayer; and the youth had so much fun playing games and bonding over their wins and losses.
Throughout the event, it felt like Jesus was tweaking some of our wrong perspectives and thoughts about Him. As Christians we sometimes get burnt out and tired, or our hearts get hard from bad experiences. Then we hear Jesus say: “Come to me, all who are weary and weighed down, and I will give you rest.” Afterwards, He offers us a fresh supply of water from His river of life!
On the last day of camp, we went down to visit the river running thru the property, and it was like King Jesus was saying: Nothing is impossible! Turn to Me, trust in Me, walk with Me. Sometimes we forget the basics. It is possible to personally know Jesus and to live for Him. It is possible to put our dreams aside and obey Him. Nothing is impossible for those who are living for Jesus and are surrendered to Him!
Here is what Jesus’ word says:
Philippians 4:13 (NASB)
13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Romans 8:37 (NASB)
37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
John 14:12 (NASB)
12 Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I am going to the Father.
Revelation 12:11 (NASB)
11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.

We are so grateful and want to thank the Costa Rican churches for inviting us to collaborate during these awesome camps! Thank You, King Jesus, for planning it! And thank YOU for all your prayer and support!!