In our Jiquilisco church branch, we always continue with the call to make disciples of the nations. We have for many years, taken the message of salvation to this place, especially “the true gospel” something that was gravely lacking. God has done great miracles in Jiquilisco, and He continues to do His work through Pastors Chuz and Lola, who despite the harsh conditions continue to stand in the gap, ministering to the lives of the inhabitants of the area.

In Jiquilisco God blessed us this year with visits from of our first Pastors Rick & Kim Morgan, and other team members. On these occasions several people responded to the voice of God and took important steps in their spiritual life that are leading them to achieve God’s plans for their lives. Our hearts were ministered to and comforted with the homecoming of our spiritual parents. Their visits always minister to our lives in a wonderful way, and there is nothing like the feeling of having the family reunited.

We ask for your prayers for the pastors of Jiquilisco. In this place there has always been strong opposition from the enemy. Your prayers are important! Also, please pray for the necessary resources to finish adapting the headquarters of our branch in Jiquilisco. There are several construction projects that should be completed, like the installation of a drop-down ceiling to help reduce the heat inside the sanctuary. 

This is what God is doing in El Salvador. Thank you for your support & prayer! Thank you for your obedience to God and thank you for building together with us the work of God in our country. 


With much love and gratitude, I bid you farewell. 


Originally written in Spanish
Author: Henry Carranza. Pastor of the Full Gospel Evangelistic Church of El Salvador.


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