God is on the move in Costa Rica!

In mid-June we were honored to play a roll in the birth of a new FGEA association of churches. At this moment they have 5 churches and 6 pastors. During this trip we celebrated our first ever FGEA national convention in Costa Rica. Approximately 130 pastors, leaders, and church members attended!

On the trip back from Costa Rica, after flight delays and exhausted and stuck in the Mexico City airport, I had an amazing, God ordained time to witness to a woman from Great Britain.  I was able to pray and introduce to her to a relationship with Jesus. Holly was so hungry for God, that she was looking for Him through Eastern Meditation & automatic writing.  She was a song writer and singer who had concert performances. While she was talking, I saw her in my mind’s eye preaching Jesus and passionately singing of Jesus before a concert hall filled with youth connecting with her message!  I told her what I saw, and she began to cry and allowed me to pray with her to receive Christ’s love.  Please remember Holly when you pray for the lost!

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