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Rick and John just got back from an awesome crusade in Cancun, Mexico. Outside of the tourist areas, Cancun is a very violent place in Mexico that desperately needs Jesus. God moved in amazing ways! We estimate over 1500 gave their lives to Jesus, 1200 were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and countless healing miracles took place. Three testified they were healed of blind eyes, a teen that was deaf regained his hearing, large tumors left, a lady walked after 5 years in a wheelchair, and so much more! Thousands attended each night as Jesus met with us! A thank you to Dale Everett who invited us to serve in this event. Cancun will never be the same!



Rick and John traveled to 3 states in Mexico accompanied by Jose Aguilar, a pastor from the San Marcos church in El Salvador. In 9 days, they ministered 12 times.

They encouraged pastors, prayed for the sick and lead people to Christ. There is So much hunger for God especially during these hard times. It was an amazing blessing to see God move during a “mini revival” in Mexico!

Psalms 121:8 “the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

After one service, while talking outside the church, we saw a pickup loaded with heavily armed men assess us as they cruised by. The pastor later explained that the area is monitored by gangs, but said, “Don’t worry, you’re with us, and God has given us great favor!” It was evident that God is watching over His work in Mexico and giving His people favor!



In El Salvador we are seeing fruit the Lord is producing because of His people’s perseverance in difficult times.

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not

JIQUILISCO: The church has grown and more people from the local area are participating in ministry alongside the pastors. This is a key breakthrough for this community. Praise God for the faithful Pastors Chus and Lola.

SAN MARCOS: The church has experienced growth and a noticeable increase of participation on the worship team. They were in need of a new sound board, and raised the money themselves! During our last visit, We were able to deliver the sound board and additional sound equipment donated here in the USA. Buying a soundboard was a sacrificial step of faiththat God matched by providing a professional Salvadoran sound technician, who spent close to 12 hours helping install the new system. Please keep praying for Pastors Henry, Wendy, Jose and Sandra.

TAPALHUACA: What Jesus is doing in Tapalhuaca was clearly seen during our visit. Praise God with us! Work at the newest church plant in El Salvador is moving forward. Since our last newsletter we have received sufficient donations to begin phase 1 of the church building project!

They are very excited and so thankful!

Also, we want you to know that the vision and commitment in Tapalhuaca is so encouraging! Pastors Marielos and Vidal have been met with great opposition but have persevered forward. Please remember to pray for them and the ministry team as they continue to bring Christ to the community. This work is a sign of great things to come!


There is a quiet crisis developing in many places around the world. There has been a trend within Christian churches that can be tracked back for at least two generations of a

shifting away from proactive mobilization of the next generations into full time ministry and missions. This trend has created an increasingly noticeable gap in Christian service. While this may be our present situation it does not have to be the end of the story.

Matthew 9:37-38 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.

Several of our adult children are living and traveling with us in order to maximize our capacity to meet these needs. While our family is large and prepared for this work we know that more people need to be mobilized.

Recently we had to cancel our Spring OneLife 2022 Intake. All eight candidates asked to postpone their participation until a future date. While they haven’t given up, they are uncertain about how to navigate forward. Many of these young people find themselves without real support and encouragement, others facing fears and mixed signals and some even facing discouragement from within their own families and churches. Oftentimes females are especially discouraged from this pursuit and face a more complex set of hurdles to overcome. While this crisis may not be an issue in all circles it is a very real concern in many others. OneLife was formed to help in this challenging process of mobilization.


Pray to the Lord for a new generation of Christian ministers and missionaries to be mobilized.

Encourage sons and daughters from our families and churches to accept the call.

Facilitate the call. Consider sponsoring and sending out new candidates from our churches and/or families. Churches can offer clear pathways of mobilization.

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