February 2023 Newsletter

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Our ministry received an invitation from Pastors Raul and Julissa Gutierrez of the Church “El Alfarero” in LA, California. They invited us to participate in a young adults retreat that they were doing at the end of October. The retreat was a 3-day event & took place in Running Springs, California. Many of the young adults were touched by God & filled with the Holy Spirit!


Here are some more details: Click Here


Our first services were in Malaga with pastor Antonio. Their church membership had grown and usually filled up for each service!  Both Henry and I ministered on different occasions and saw a great response by the people.


One of my favorite testimonies is that of Jose, the owner of the churches building. During our time with them, I had been ministering a series on “Identity in Christ” and the last message was on the “Imputed Righteousness of Christ”. When I realized that Jose decided to come to that service, I began to ask God about changing the message to something a little more evangelistic.  But I felt a solid confirmation that I was to preach this topic.  Jose was the first to respond to give his life to the Lord! 

Here are some more details: Click Here


Several members of our OneLife team returned from a short-term missions trip to El Salvador. It was a great trip in many respects. However, there was a particular moment that I wanted to especially share with you all.

…“standing under fruitfulness”. I looked over at Marielos and her husband Vidal. They’ve lost two young daughters and one co-laborer. This couple have been through the valley of the shadow of death…

Here are some more details: Click Here

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