In August we had the privileged to serve with Dale Everett in a crusade in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.  The Mexican leaders reported that 1700 who prayed unto repentance, 1000 baptized in the Holy Spirit, 14 delivered from demonic possession and countless healed!! Jesus was glorified as we witnessed a great outpouring of the Spirit!

Some of the healing testimonies we heard were of a woman who was carried to the crusade grounds because she had MS. She was fully healed and now has full liberty of movement! Another woman had an abdominal tumor so large she looked pregnant. When God healed her, the tumor went away and she was visibly healed. Another man had significant back, hip and leg issues. His doctor told him very soon he would be in wheelchair. Jesus healed him and he literally ran across the crusade grounds demonstrating God’s healing power!

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