October fourth through the seventh, God allowed us to be a part of a campaign with Evangelist Dale Everett. During the four-nights God was continually working mightily. We saw some in the latter part of their life and others who were younger receive. The first night we had hundreds in attendance and saw many miracles.

The First Night

We saw a young man in the crowd come forward and be healed of his injuries from a car accident. A woman on a phone call with the family of a young lady who was in critical condition in the hospital, heard the report of miraculous recovery moments after a word for healings from accidents was given. We also saw an elderly lady, who only spoke a local Mayan dialect, healed. A total of 20 miracles were registered the first night.

The Second Night

had an even greater turnout. We saw a longer line of people giving their testimonies. Elderly individuals who could not walk were walking. A young lady who heard the music from nearby arrived to be told of her problem of bloodletting not having told anyone there and was healed. One of the local translators who was deaf in one ear, while translating felt as if a puff of air left his ear and could then hear in it.

The Third Night

miracles continued happening! It was also distinctively a night of liberation and family restoration. A middle-aged man that was having an affair was in his car on his way to be unfaithful to his wife. When he heard the announcement of the event over the radio, he showed up and repented. We saw mothers embracing their daughters, and fathers their sons after they received Jesus’ healing in their hearts. It was God showing His love and desire for restoration in the people of Tulum. Hundreds responded to the call that night to go forward for His healing and restoration. 

The Last Night

was focused on the filling of the Holy Spirit and generational blessings, and we saw the biggest crowd yet. People were arriving to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior. We saw demons manifest and then cast out from the young and the old. The enemy showed that his hold on people was weak, and he fled in terror. The people left were in grateful tears as they accepted Jesus, and the Holy Spirit then filled them up. Finally, to finish off the event, there was a confession of generational blessing on those there and their family members that were far away. God moved greatly and mightily! In this campaign He showed Himself faithfully for hundreds. As He always will be for the people of Tulum, and for us all. 

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