In the church of Tapalhuaca, great things are happening! And God is doing all of it! This year we have seen how God has continued to carry out his work in this place where the newest of our church branches operates. We began meeting in March of this year, on the land that was acquired. We managed to buy this property through the collaboration of people who felt God move on their hearts and in obedience contributed the money necessary for its purchase in 2021.

This year we began our meetings under the trees, but now we have a roof under which we can hold our meetings, and facilities that are in the process of being finished and conditioned for the minimum operations of a congregation. We have managed to install electricity and the roof, and we are in the process of installing drinking water. Next up will be the construction of the bathrooms. We ask for your prayers for Tapalhuaca and are so grateful for all your support.


The short-term plan is to build headquarters for the ONELIFE INMERSION project, A place where those who feel a missions calling can come, live, and gain a true missionary experience. 

n August, this branch of our church, with the help of Kingdom Church, conducted an evangelistic outreach directed toward the community’s children and their families. Everything was a success; many children were ministered to, and the message of salvation was preached to them. They spent a fun afternoon in the company of their brothers in Christ. And God showed them his love through his servants.  


During this same visit, the Kingdom Church team also completed a project of installing pipes for drinking water, a real blessing! 

Originally written in spanish
Author: Henry Carranza. Pastor of the Full Gospel Evangelistic Church of El Salvador. 

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