In our central church of San Marcos, new families have been brought by God. Families that have shown a need, a hunger, and a love for God and for their neighbors. In these post pandemic times we have managed not only to survive, but we have experienced a growth both in numbers and spiritually. People decided not only to take the step of faith that leads to salvation, but also to go beyond; they decided to take the step of being Servants of Christ. That has led to twenty-eight people attending our Bible School “GENERACION MOVIL” this year. Which has shown a constancy that only God can generate in people’s hearts.
In addition, this year we carried out several activities: in the month of June, we held a children’s carnival. An outreach that ministered to the lives of the children of Colonia Tepeyac. A community where one of our Small Groups operates close to our church. Also, in the first week of August we held our church’s Youth Retreat. In this retreat we had the support of a team of 12 members from Kingdom Church. They ministered along with our youth team into the lives of the attendees. In this retreat we also celebrated Baptisms of NINETEEN people, who took the step of publicly expressing what is in their hearts “their faith in Christ as their Lord and Savior”.
We are looking forward to what God will do in our San Marcos church in the future.
We ask you to continue to carry us in your prayers. Pray with us for our own property for our church in San Marcos, adequate transportation to supervise and support the various locations of our other churches and more resources to carry out the work not only in El Salvador but also to the nations.