During these first days

in Spain God has done so much. His hand has been showing itself in new connections, and our known connections. We saw this at our Sunday services with the Spaniard people, also while sharing love and hope at a recovery center, and during our time with 30 plus non believing immigrants encountering God.

Our first meeting here, we were a part of a Friday late-night prayer, where we received God given words, songs and times of comfort. Then on Saturday we ministered to the youth. It’s wonderful to see the youth, in a country so given over to fleshly desires, where sin is easily at hand, not only spending their weekends at church but doing it by their own choice. They are choosing to serve God. We also saw them training to be a part of the choir and worship team.

Sunday morning,

we had our first service in a filled building. God’s presence showed up oh so sweetly and ministered to hearts. During this time, that was so beautiful, we began to see more of Gods plan. We had guests show up for the first time to this service. A member of the church, through his work in construction, has met and invited to church many immigrants living in a variety of situations. On this Sunday, his efforts saw God bring forward fruit. Those he invited not only showed up but were touched by God, the Lord moved on their hearts.

When Sunday was done, God wasn’t done with surprises. Next God started to connect us with a ministry that helps people recover from addictions. What a ministry and testimonies! The man who started this home for recovery used to be the main boss for one of the largest mafia families in Malaga, made up of over 900 relatives. After Losing multiple family members to drugs, himself reaching a point where even the doctors said it was the end, that he couldn’t be saved, God said to him, “I have more for you.” God’s hand is clearly on him. He doesn’t know how to be silent, but proclaims the name of the Lord. This is evidence that him who much is forgiven, loves much.

After a wonderful time with the recovery ministry, again another harvest came. We now set a time for a service with the previous immigrant families. Because of the situation that they live farther away, a Saturday service was started. We had 30+ in attendance nearly all being unbelievers. And 8 that night accepting Jesus.

He has really done so much in these first weeks we have been here. God has showed himself faithful, and in more ways than can be written here. God’s eyes are on Malága.

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