Most Recent El Salvador Trip

What a trip in El Salvador! The Holy Spirit produced decisions for Christ, repentance, emotional healing, encouragement, and a Salvadorean Father’s Day… 

Ministering The Word

On Wednesday, June 14th I arrived in El Salvador.  Thursday evening, I was able to minister and fellowship to the leaders and pastors of the churches in San Marcos and Tapalhuaca. After ministering on “Cultivating the Garden of our Heart,” I was impacted by how many responded to prayer for healing!  I am convinced that at this moment so many of God’s children are in a fierce battle with the enemy because he knows his time is short!  One of his greatest weapons to neutralize our calling in Christ is unforgiveness.  Saturday night Father’s Day in El Salvador was a special night for me as I was able to spend some time with my daughter who presently lives in El Salvador.  

Also, I was honored by Tapalhuacas Pastoral family as a “spiritual father” to them. A family of 12 that I was privileged to lead to the Lord in 2013 after a series of miraculous events that the Lord used in their lives that lead to a household Salvation. On Sunday I was able to minister on “Being a Friend of God” and in the afternoon was privileged to minister on “You can Trust the Lord” at the church in Jiquilisco. In both services there was a big response; I was especially impacted by at least 10 plus decisions for Christ in the Jiquilisco service!  


As I travel around the world, I see growing an “anti-Christ” spirit, but praise God, I also see the beautiful Bride of Christ rising with His love and authority!  I am reminded of Paul’s words in Romans 5:20 – But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more… 

Next up, a group of us Salvadorean pastors and American pastors Head for Costa Rica in a few days for our third National Convention.  It is a young work developing to reach for Christ Costa Rica. Check out our blog about it. 
Thank you for the prayers invested in this ministry that helps us bring encouragement to the Pastors and Churches in this trying hour that we see in our world.

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